An Interview With Marissa Meyer, author of Archenemies

October 30, 2018 | 3:00 PM

An Interview With Marissa Meyer, author of Archenemies

By Team Fierce Reads
An Interview With Marissa Meyer, author of Archenemies

1. What makes Nova and Adrian Fierce?
They both have a lot of conviction—they know what they want and they’re not afraid to do what needs to be done to achieve those goals, which gets complicated, of course, when their goals seem always to be at odds with each other...

2. If you could give Nova and Adrian one piece of advice, what would it be?
Don’t be so stubborn! They both could stand to take a step back and view the world from someone else’s point of view from time to time. There are a lot of gray areas when it comes to the fight between good and evil.

3. What's the strangest/most interesting thing you learned while researching the Renegades Trilogy?
One of the things that’s stuck with me the most is actually kind of sad. While I was researching monarch butterflies for Monarch’s character, I learned that these beautiful creatures are an endangered species, largely due to the spread of agricultural land wiping out a lot of the native plant species they rely on to lay their eggs during migration. Save the butterflies! (Anyone who also sees this is a tragedy can help out by planting butterfly-friendly flowers like milkweed in their garden.)

4. If you'd met Nova and Adrian as a teen, would you have been friends?
I was a pretty bubbly, chipper teenager and I think I would have gotten on Nova’s nerves, so she probably wouldn’t have wanted much to do with me. (Though I would have admired her and probably tried to emulate her coolness!) And I sooooo would have had a crush on Adrian, so while I think we could have been friends, it would always be one of those relationships where I was pining away secretly in the background. Not much has changed I guess, haha!

5. Which 3 fictional characters would you want to be on your Superhero Squad and why?
Hermione, because every squad needs a smart one. Wolverine—he can be the muscle. And Han Solo, for a fast getaway when things go south!

6. Describe the series in 3 words.
Archenemies... or soulmates?

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Archenemies by Marissa Meyer

Part thriller, part superhero fantasy, here is the fiercely awaited sequel to the New York Times-bestselling Renegades by Marissa Meyer, author of the Lunar Chronicles. 

Are Nova and Adrian each other’s worst nightmare?

In Renegades, Nova and Adrian (aka Insomnia and Sketch) fought the battle of their lives against the Anarchist known as the Detonator. It was a short-lived victory.

The Anarchists still have a secret weapon, one that Nova believes will protect her. The Renegades also have a strategy for overpowering the Anarchists, but both Nova and Adrian understand that it could mean the end of Gatlon City–and the world–as they know it.

Start reading now.
