5 YA Books That Share Titles With Song

April 22, 2019 | 2:00 PM

5 YA Books That Share Titles With Song

By Team Fierce Reads
5 YA Books That Share Titles With Song

Every now and again you come across a book title that sounds veeerrry familiar.

Then you realize it's not just a book title, it's also a song title! 

And then you find yourself singing that song for the rest of the day.

(We'd be mad if we weren't so impressed with all of these clever authors totally nailing the book/song pairing.)

Here's a list of 5 books that share titles with some excellent songs you'll be playing on repeat, probably forever.

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The Way You Make Me Feel
book by Maurene Goo, song by Michael Jackson

If you don't start singing 'The Way You Make Me Feel' by Michael Jackson the second you see the title of this Maurene Goo book, can we even be friends? (I mean, yes, probably, but there's also a song you should listen to 5 or 6 times on repeat...)

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If It Makes You Happy
book by Claire Kann, song by Sheryl Crow

Angst and romance about in both this book and this song, 10/10 would read AND listen!

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Somewhere Only We Know
book by Maurene Goo, song by Keane

After reading Somewhere Only We Know, there's no doubt in our minds: Maurene Goo is DOING THIS ON PURPOSE. Please excuse us while we go eat some ice cream and deal with our feelings.

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I Wanna Be Where You Are
book by Kristen Forest, song by Michael Jackson

The Michael Jackson song is a total bop, so it makes sense that a book about a dancer would go by the same name!

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I Believe in a Thing Called Love
book by Maurene Goo, song by The Darkness

