5 Fall Activities Inspired by YA Books

November 6, 2017 | 3:00 PM

5 Fall Activities Inspired by YA Books

By Team Fierce Reads
5 Fall Activities Inspired by YA Books

Fall is in full swing and we are loving every second of it. The chill in the air, the cozy sweaters, the changing leaves, the pumpkin spice of it all... we don't pick favorites among the seasons but there's a lot to enjoy here. Of course, nothing in life is truly great unless there are books involved, so here's a list of YA books that pair perfectly with some of our favorite fall activities.

Bake a Pumpkin Pie
Kissing Max Holden by Katy Upperman

Jilly from Kissing Max Holden is quite the chef and we know there's no way she'd let Fall pass her by without baking at least one pumpkin pie. And, honestly, there's no way we'd let Fall pass us by without eating at least one pumpkin pie.

Curling up under a cozy blanket and binging a new TV show
I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo

Desi Lee binges K-Drama after K-Drama in an effort to create her “K Drama Rules for True Love." We're not saying you need to model your life after a character in whatever TV show you're bingeing but there's really no better way to enjoy a cold, gloomy day than to curl up with a season or two of television.

Visit a Haunted House
Cast No Shadow by Nick Tapalansky and Anissa Espinosa

Not over Halloween? Tons of haunted houses are open all year round. And, if you're lucky (like Greg from Cast No Shadow),  you might just enter one of those year-round haunt houses and meet a very nice (and cute!) ghost! 

Stay in and read an exciting new book from a favorite author in one sitting
Renegades by Marissa Meyer

We've been obsessed with all things Marissa Meyer since Cinder hit shelves almost 6 years ago. So naturally, we've planned a weekend of curling up with Renegades, a cozy blanket, and lots of snacks – the perfect it's-getting-cold-outside treat.

Foliage Drive
The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia

Are you really be living your best Fall life without a foliage outing? We're not saying you have to get in a car and go for a drive to find some Fall color, but if you're like Frankie from The Lovely Reckless and have access to fast cars (and also a cute boyfriend who'll go anywhere with you), we recommend hitting the road, if only for an afternoon.

What's your favorite fall activity? Sound off in the comments below!
