An Interview with Emma Mills, Author of Foolish Hearts

December 5, 2017 | 1:00 PM

An Interview with Emma Mills, Author of Foolish Hearts

By Team Fierce Reads
An Interview with Emma Mills, Author of Foolish Hearts

Foolish Hearts has arrived! ???? To celebrate the release of this swoony, adorable, and theatrical new novel, we've asked author Emma Mills some questions.

TEAM FIERCE READS: What makes Claudia Fierce?
EMMA MILLS: Claudia is a fierce friend—she values her friends and family immensely and is incredibly loyal. Although she can be hesitant or tentative at times, I think she manages to push through and challenge herself, even when it’s tough. 

TFR: If you'd met Claudia when you were a teen, would you have been friends?
EM: Absolutely! I think we have pretty compatible senses of humor. 

TFR: Describe your book in 3 words.
EM: Hufflepuffs in love.

TFR: Which 3 fictional characters would have been your BFFs in high school?
EM: My high school book BFFs would be Lizzie Bennett from Pride & Prejudice, Penelope Bunce from Carry On,  and Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows. We would get up to a good deal of hijinks!

TFR: What's one fun fact most people don't know about you? 
EM: I studied piano from the age of four, and in addition to studying biology in college, I also got a degree in music. I don’t get to play piano as much as I’d like these days, but I still really enjoy it whenever I get the chance!  

TFR: What's your favorite part of being an author?
EM: I love the act of writing itself—it definitely serves as an outlet for me. Outside of that, I would say my favorite part is all the incredible people that I’ve gotten to meet as a result of being an author—other writers, folks in the publishing industry, and of course the amazing readers! 

Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills

When Claudia accidentally eavesdrops on the epic breakup of Paige and Iris, the it-couple at her school, she finds herself in hot water with prickly, difficult Iris. Thrown together against their will in the class production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, along with the goofiest, cutest boy Claudia has ever known, Iris and Claudia are in for an eye-opening senior year. 

Smart, funny, and thoroughly, wonderfully flawed, Claudia navigates a world of intense friendships and tentative romance in this book about expanding your horizons, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, and accepting—and loving—people for who they really are.
