All is Fair

Book All is Fair

All is Fair

by Dee Garretson

When Lady Mina Tretheway receives a telegram at boarding school, she doesn’t want to read it. In 1918, with war raging, she dreads telegrams, knowing they never bring good news.

At first she doesn’t understand the cryptic message. Then she realizes it’s written in code, and the message leads her home to Hallington Manor. When Lord Andrew Graham appears with a dashing young American, Lucas, Mina learns that the two of them must work together on a dangerous project for the war effort.

Thinking Mina is just a spoiled aristocrat, Lucas tries to complete the project alone, fearing her inexperience will give them away. But when the project goes very wrong, Mina and Lucas have to find a way to work together to complete the mission before more soldiers disappear into the darkness of war.

Available wherever books are sold!

About the Author

About Dee Garretson

Dee Garretson writes for a wide range of ages, from chapter books to middle grade to young adult and adult fiction. She has a degree in International Relations from Tufts University, and also studied and taught Landscape Horticulture at Cincinnati State, giving her a chance to indulge in her love of both history and of plants. When she is not at home in Cincinnati writing, reading, and watching old movies, she takes every opportunity to travel, storing up new locations for future stories.