Presenting Buffalo Bill

Book Presenting Buffalo Bill

Presenting Buffalo Bill

by Candace Fleming

Multiple award-winning author Candace Fleming brings her customary intelligence, attention to detail, and wit to this fresh biography of America's first global superstar, Buffalo Bill.

About the Author

About Candace Fleming

I have always been a storyteller. Even before I could write my name, I could tell a good tale. And I told them all the time. As a preschooler, I told my neighbors all about my three-legged cat named Spot. In kindergarten, I told my classmates about the ghost that lived in my attic. And in first grade I told my teacher, Miss Harbart, all about my family's trip to Paris, France. I told such a good story that people always thought I was telling the truth. But I wasn't. I didn't have a three-legged cat or a ghost in my attic, and I'd certainly never been to Paris, France. I simply enjoyed telling a good story... and seeing my listener's reaction.