Cover Reveal for Kind of a Big Deal by Shannon Hale

May 1, 2020 | 6:30 PM

Cover Reveal for Kind of a Big Deal by Shannon Hale

By Team Fierce Reads
Cover Reveal for Kind of a Big Deal by Shannon Hale

You should DEFINITELY believe us when we say that this cover reveal is more than a big deal. A new YA novel from bestselling author Shannon Hale? YES PLEASE. Humor? Romance? ALL the tropes? 


Kind of a Big Deal is about a high school dropout who finds herself literally transported into the books she reads and must make her way back to reality. It's hilarious, delightful, and devourable, and it will suck you right in—literally! And while we can’t this highly anticipated novel with you just yet (sorry, you'll have to wait until August, 25, 2020), we've partnered with some bookstagram friends to celebrate—and recreate—the AMAZING cover. Shannon even made her own!

Check out the gorgeous cover reveal shots below and make sure Kind of a Big Deal is on your 2020 TBR list!

Credit: @haleshannon

Credit: @xenatine

Credit: @darkfaerietales_ 

Credit: @bookrockbetty

Credit: @berrybookpages

Credit: @librarycutie

Credit: @fiderally

Credit: @reverieandink

Kind of a Big Deal by Shannon Hale

There's nothing worse than peaking in high school. Nobody knows that better than Josie Pie.

She was kind of a big deal—she dropped out of high school to be a star! But the bigger you are, the harder you fall. And Josie fell. Hard. Ouch. Broadway dream: dead. 

Meanwhile, her life keeps imploding. Best friend: distant. Boyfriend: busy. Mom: not playing with a full deck? Desperate to escape, Josie gets into reading.

Literally. She reads a book and suddenly she's inside it. And with each book, she’s a different character: a post-apocalyptic heroine, the lead in a YA rom-com, a 17th century wench in a corset.

It’s alarming. But also . . . kind of amazing?

It’s the perfect way to live out her fantasies. Book after book, Josie the failed star finds a new way to shine. But the longer she stays in a story, the harder it becomes to escape.

Will Josie find a story so good that she just stays forever?

On sale: August 25, 2020
