Kami Garcia Answers: Why is NaNoWriMo Important to You?

November 30, 2017 | 1:00 PM

Kami Garcia Answers: Why is NaNoWriMo Important to You?

By Team Fierce Reads + Kami Garcia
Kami Garcia Answers: Why is NaNoWriMo Important to You?

November is National Novel Writing Month! ????

As lovers of books and those who write them, NaNoWriMo is an incredibly important event for us. And to celebrate the month (and everyone toiling away on their latest manuscript), we've asked four Fierce authors who ALSO happen to be members of the NaNoWriMo writers board to answer one very important question for us: Why is NaNoWriMo important to you?

So, without further ado, here's why NaNoWriMo is important to the author of The Lovely Reckless, KAMI GARCIA!

NaNoWriMo is the first time many writers finally take a leap of faith and try to write the novel they've been thinking about for years. NaNoWriMo gives them permission to try—and fail. It provides writers with the resources, structure, and community they need to succeed, which is so important whether someone is writing her first novel or her fiftieth. The beauty of NaNo is that even if you don't log 50,000 words by the end of November you still win as long as you don't quit. That's why I filmed a video series for NaNo last year—a video for every day in November. I wanted the participants to know I was rooting for them.

And if you're looking for NaNoWriMo advice or even what to do with your NaNo manuscript now that the month is over, be sure to check out Kami's YouTube writing tips series!

Are you also participating in NaNoWriMo this year? If so, sound off in the comments below and let us know why NaNoWriMo is important to YOU!
