If Your Faves Were Social Distancing

May 4, 2020 | 10:30 PM

If Your Faves Were Social Distancing

By Team Fierce Reads
If Your Faves Were Social Distancing

Social distancing is rough.

We know, truly. We spend our days thinking about all of the things we wish we could be doing, all of the friends we wish we could be seeing, and all of the bookstores we wish we could be visiting. We also occasionally spend way too much time wondering what our favorite fictional characters would be doing if they found themselves in our shoes.

But why wonder about what our fave fictional characters are doing when we can go straight to the source? We've asked some Fierce Reads authors to fill in the blanks for us and they answered. To read what characters from We Hunt the Flame, Comics Will Break Your Heart, All the Stars and Teeth, The Shadows Between Us, A Blade So Black, There Will Come a Darkness, and The Lunar Chronicles would be doing while stuck at home, click the corresponding banner and get ready for some sweet bonus content.

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